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2021 Clay Court Nationals
Pinzon Prevails to Claim Boys 16s Title

Coming from a set behind three times in a week, Felipe Pinzon took the most prestigious tournament title of his life at the USTA Boys' 16 National Clay Court Championships.

Playing near home in south Florida, Pinzon capped a memorable week with a 5-7, 6-2, 6-3 triumph over Ari Cotoulas of Brooklyn, New York.

"He had a really tough draw, but he's the type of kid that under pressure, he likes to go for bigger," said Heinz Shady, who coaches Pinzon in the High Intensity Tennis Training program in Sunrise, Florida. "He plays much better under pressure. He's one of those kids that's fearless, that likes pounding the ball."

Boys 16s Singles Champion Felipe Pinzon
© Bill Kallenberg/CapturedInAction

Shady, HITT's Director of Tennis, said Pinzon went to Colombia after the 16s Clay to try to accumulate ranking points toward qualifying for the U.S. Open Junior Championships.

The Boys 18s and 16s Clay tournaments were based at Delray Beach Tennis Center, but frequent rain prompted numerous adjustments.

At one point, the event was more than 150 matches behind. Organizers shortened some matches to make sure more were played, and they eventually made up every one.

John Butler, working alongside tournament director Ivan Baron, called it "incredible work by all the clubs and patience shown by all participants. We finished under a couple days of glorious weather. There must’ve been more than 1,000 people in town between all the players, families, personal coaches and college coaches."

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