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Sturner Ascends From BU Captain to Business Owner

Having first picked up a tennis racket at age 2, Ben Sturner eventually became a team captain and top player at Boston University.

His collegiate experience helped him build a solid foundation for his future and learn how to juggle multiple responsibilities. Sturner is the CEO and Founder of Leverage Agency. He is also the father of a young son who plays tennis.

Recently, Sturner sat down with correspondent Harry Cicma to learn more about his time at BU, his business career and his tennis parenting.


Cicma: How did your experience at Boston University prepare you for a successful business career after college?

Sturner: I feel Boston University prepared me in the best way possible for business with great internship opportunities, real world experience in classes and an incredible network of alumni that I still use today that has propelled my business since graduating. Being in the center of Boston, there is such a diverse amount of social, cultural and sports activities to choose from. I met a lot of other successful entrepreneurs at BU that own businesses now and many that I have done business with. I couldn't have picked a better place to go than Boston University to combine my tennis and education, as once I graduated, it gave me the tools and confidence to succeed in communications, marketing and advertising.

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Page updated on Sunday, November 17, 2024
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