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The Bollettieri Development System

In the early stages of my career, I realized that if I worked longer and harder than anyone else and surrounded myself with loyal, committed people, I could be somebody. I realized that if I learned from my defeats and had the support of my friends, I could make an impact on children. This has been my life's work, and this is what paved the way for what has become the Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy (NBTA) at IMG Academies.

In the 1950s and early 1960s, you only needed to pick up a can of tennis balls, go to the park, and occupy one of the many vacant courts to play tennis. The tennis boom began in that era. Things have changed dramatically over the last four decades. Today, tennis clubs are often part of a family recreation complex that might include aerobic centers, physical fitness clubs, racquetball courts, squash courts, pro shops and salons. Today's tennis pro needs to understand business to survive. Just as important, today's pro needs to understand that many club owners must diversify to make their clubs financially profitable.

This is what we have strived to teach all of our coaches at the NBTA, so that we can provide the best for our students. Our philosophy is to coach people, not just skills. It is not only about producing better players, but also about helping students develop in all walks of life. Every student that comes through the training at our Academy will leave a better individual. We strive for that daily and that has become our mission.

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Page updated on Monday, November 04, 2024
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