Prince Hot 100 List, March 2011
Winner, Ramada Jr. Open, February 2011 G18s (5 rounds)
2nd Place, Team Zonals, Southern Cal. G16s, 2011
Winner, Lakewood Junior Open, July 2009 G16s (5 rounds)
Prince Hot 100 List of Summer 2009
SCTA Sportsmanship Award for 2008-2009 season
Team Zonals, Southern California G14s 2008
I board at Advantage Tennis Academy and am enrolled in the GATE program for Laurel Springs Academy online. Previously I attended The Hotchkiss School -- an academically rigorous boarding school in Connecticut with a Division I sports program. In addition to making High Honor Roll as a sophmore, I played in the #1 position and led the team to two New England Championships in a row. I also played on the soccer team. I will return to Hotchkiss for my senior year and will compete and train with my coach there.
Weil Tennis, Summer 2009
Nike Tennis Camp, Stanford Univ. 2005, 2006.
Awarded Camper-of-the-Week.
UCLA Tennis Camp, Summer 2004
Awarded "Most Likely to Succeed"
Awarded "Hardest Worker", Advantage Tennis Academy 2010-11
Advantage Tennis Academy, Academic year 2010-2011
Advantage Tennis Academy, Summer 2010
Advantage Tennis Academy, March 2010, two weeks