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Player Information

Amber O'Dell
New Milford, New Jersey
West Rock Tennis Academy
Graduate, Class of 2018

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Most information is updatable by users with free, verified accounts.

Players can update the following information. Information that you provide is organized on three pages: (1) public information that everyone can see, (2) sensitive information that is available only to college coaches, and (3) photos, videos, and external news articles. Feel free to update as many of the fields as you like.

You may upload up to 12 photographs into your player photo gallery. Browse for photos to upload and order them using the interface below.
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You may link up to ten news articles published on other sites to your player profile. Please include the date of the publication, the headline, and the complete link to the article.
  Date:   (mm/dd/yyyy) 
Videos are a great personalized way to convey information about yourself to college coaches. You may have up to three videos associated with your player profile. To do this you must:
  1. Create an account on
  2. Upload a video to YouTube.
  3. You can use whatever Sharing parameters you want for your video (Broadcast Public/Private, Allow Comments, Allow Video Responses, Allow Ratings, etc.), but the "Allow External Sites to Embed This Video" option must be Enabled.
  4. Enter the URL of the video in one of the fields below. An example of a properly formatted link is
After you click "Save Changes", your submissions will be reviewed by our staff before showing up on the Overview page of your profile.
  Video 1:   
  Video 2:   
  Video 3: values your privacy. Information provided is in part to ensure compliance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule. Please read our Privacy Statement for more information.

1/28 Anderson Fortney chooses UW La Crosse
1/27 Kylie Liu chooses Dartmouth
1/27 Eyad Ezzat chooses Boise State
1/27 Filip Soderqvist chooses Boise State
1/27 Anjann Sai Boorela chooses RIT
1/27 Abel Vines chooses Coastal Georgia
1/27 Brigitte Gravelle chooses RIT
1/27 Capucine Jauffret chooses Florida
1/27 Addison Cassidy chooses Oakland
1/26 Ansley Cox chooses Penn State

Full Listings: Boys' Commits & Girls' Commits


Page updated on Wednesday, September 05, 2018 at 2:05:09 AM
Contact our web team with any corrections